50 Great Ice Breaker Questions

When your stuck in a small group on the fly or just need to invigorate some conversation into a reluctant group of young people – try a few of the following great ice breaker questions! I’ve used most of these before – to hilarious results! They get people talking and laughing and they create some great memories!

Remember – these all work best when followed by ‘why?’

  1. If you could replace the contents of a pillow case – what would you replace it with?
  2. Would you rather live in a house made of glass or a house made of beef?
  3. Would you rather have dolphins for arms or badgers for feet?
  4. Would you rather have to laugh out loud every time you used ‘lol’ or make the face of any emoticon that you use?
  5. What new burger would you invent for McDonald’s?
  6. What new Pot Noodle flavour would you invent?
  7. If you were a kitchen utensil what would you be?
  8. If you had a non-traditional superpower, what would you have?
  9. If you had personal theme music, what would it be?
  10. If you could mate two foods and make a new one, what would it be?
  11. What animal do you most identify with?
  12. What dairy product do you most identify with?
  13. What breakfast cereal do you most identity with?
  14. If you were a brand – what would you be?
  15. What verb best describes you?
  16. What three adjectives best describe you?
  17. What’s the best random act of kindness you’ve ever seen?
  18. If you could get away with anything (within reason) – what would you do?
  19. What would you name your boat?
  20. What would you name your third child?
  21. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
  22. Would you rather travel back in time or forward into the future?
  23. Would you rather go to school more hours over less days, or less hours over more days?
  24. Would you rather be famous, or the best friend of a famous person?
  25. Would you rather be able to speak any language (without understanding), or understand any language (without speaking)?
  26. Would you rather have a rewind or a pause button for your life?
  27. If you could invite three people (living or dead) to dinner, who would you invite?
  28. Would you rather have powers of invisibility or mind-reading?
  29. Would you rather only be able to use the internet for 1 hour a week – or only be able to go out outdoors for 1 hour a week?
  30. Would you rather always know when someone is lying, or always get away with lying?
  31. Would you rather be able to speak with animals or be able to speak all foreign languages in the world?
  32. If you could replace the actor in any film, who would you replace and with who?
  33. If you could play any part in any film in the world, what part would you play?
  34. What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?
  35. What is the most unsuccessful food you have ever made?
  36. If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do?
  37. If you could rid the world of one thing, what would you do?
  38. If you were stranded on a dessert Island – what three things and three people would you take?
  39. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  40. If you could put an advert on the side of every bus – what would it be?
  41. What is your favourite day?
  42. What is your favourite season?
  43. Would you rather be a butterfly or an elephant?
  44. Would you rather have hiccups or the need to sneeze for the rest of the year?
  45. Would you rather live in a world with giant friendly teddy bears or live in a world where hover-boards exist?
  46. Would you rather control the elements or control time?
  47. Would you rather live without your phone & internet – or live without music?
  48. Would you rather have to say yes to everything, or no to everything?
  49. If you were a power tool what would you be?
  50. …. So…. do you like…. stuff?

Got any more? Comment below 🙂

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